Follow Just 4 Easy Steps to Ease Back Pain this Winter!
The truth about muscle pain in winters and the ways to enjoy a pain free winter
Back pain in winters is a common concern for many people. This article sheds light on some facts causing back pain and muscle pain in winters and suggests common solutions for pain relief, which is easy for everyone to follow.
Winters mean many things for many people – it could be an escape from the sweltering October and November heat, it could mean a lovely weather to spend cooped up indoors or a cosy morning to lie curled up on bed with a book or it could mean thrilling holidays in the snow.
Unfortunately for some, winters also mean backache or sciatica. It is surprising but many people in the age group of 25 to 35 also suffer from acute back pain and sciatica during a cold weather. Even those who do not suffer from sciatica complain about pain in the muscles and back during winters. Do winters really aggravate backpain? Let’s find out more.
Do winters cause backpain?
Yes, the truth is that backpain and muscle pain are a sour truth in winters, and considered as one of the cold weather problems that all young and old go through. Cold weather causes muscles to lose heat and contract, which in turn causes stiffness throughout the body. This stiffness and tightness can strain the spine and pull on the sensitive nerves in the spine causing pain.
Imagine you are dressing for an important board meeting and a severe back-pain hits you during peak winters. Scary isn’t it? To avoid such situations, follow some basic safety tips:
Dress Warmly
Winter is considered as one of the most fashionable seasons of the year. It’s that time of the year when you get to flaunt your jackets, sweatshirts, turtleneck tops, colourful scarves and smart boots. While these winter essentials make you look chic, they also keep you warm and the best way to avoid back pain is to keep yourself warm. Wearing appropriate winter clothes can help you cope with sciatica. Try and wear layers before you step out.
Do not Neglect Exercise
Getting up early on a winter morning for a walk or gym seems like a punishment. Everyone loves to spend their winter morning curled up in bed. However, the benefits of exercise in winters cannot be ignored. A regular walk or light indoor activity like yoga can actually alleviate stiffness and increase mobility. It is advisable do some light warmups before you start the workout, so you do not hurt your muscles.
Watch Your Diet
Winters bring a host of drool worthy food on the table from all corners of our country. Who can resist a cup of hot ginger tea with bhajias or bright red gajar halwa made with winter carrots or ghee smeared parathas and many more? However, these winter indulgence leads to overeating and overeating leads to extra weights and extra weights lead to muscle inflammation. These inflammations make backpain in winters worse.
The key is to balance it out with exercise as well as by intaking foods rich in magnesium like dry fruits, pumpkin seeds etc. which help in the absorption of calcium. Calcium will not only benefit the bones; in addition, the magnesium can act as muscle relaxants.
Modify your Sleeping Positions
How many mornings have you woken up with a sore neck or throbbing pain in the back? There are two major reasons for this: poor sleeping position and wrong mattress
A good sleep requires a good mattress. Faulty mattresses can spoil the body posture and lead to disturbed sleep. Don’t bring last night’s incomplete sleep to college and work place. Incomplete sleep will keep you cranky all day, with no focus on daily jobs. So, when you are dozing off tonight ensure you sleep right. A poor sleeping position puts unnecessary pressure on the neck, hips and back causing pain.
While there are many comforting mattress brands in the market today, Nilkamal Sleep Mattress from the House of Nilkamal Group uses memory foam that helps relieve back pain by providing a comfortable sleeping experience. It is absolutely a sleep ready mattress, easy to unpack, roll out and get set for a blissful sleep.
Do follow these basic steps to enjoy a pain free winter and say goodbye to cold weather problems!